Monday 14 December 2015

Dear Parents,

For our Social Studies test on Thursday, here is what your child should review and focus on...

Image result for images of maps of the worldGr. 2 - Review highlighted pages in green duo tang
I can...

  • label a world map with continents and oceans
  • label a map of Canada with 3 territories and 10 provinces
  • understand when it's better to use a map (for towns, cities, roads) verses a globe (for continents, oceans)
  • define terms such as map, symbol and key
  • identify, draw and label a compass rose with N, NE, NW, S, SE, SW, E, and W directions
  • identify and label the equator
  • identify and label the 2 hemispheres, Northern and Southern
  • identify which continents are north of the equator and which are south of the equator
Image result for images of First Nations long houses
Gr. 3 - Our focus will be on how the relationship between the First Nations people developed over time with the Early Settlers.
I can ...
    Image result for images of first nations head dress
  • identify the 2 main groups of First Nations people that lived in Upper Canada as the Algonquin and Iroquoian
  • identify how the First Nations people lived (in what kind of housing, how did they hunt/fish/farm, how did they make tools, etc)
  • Name several ways in which the First Nations people helped the Early Settlers adapt to their new land.
  • Identify games the First Nations children played
  • Identify the two chiefs that existed in a First Nations tribe and what their roles were 
  • Explain what factors cause people to leave their home country; a push factor or a pull factor. (see notes)
More later this week!

Coach Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What animal fur was used in making hats that the First Nations used to trade with the Early Settlers?