Friday 4 December 2015

Week of December 7-11th

Next week here is what is going on...

Since our second section in Math was very brief, we will be wrapping up this unit on Thursday of next week with a test on Mass and Capacity.
Image result for images of mass and capacity
This is what students are expected to know...(all of which is in their math duo tangs that will be sent home for your review)
Image result for images of measuring mass
Gr. 2

  • estimate, measure, and record the capacity and/or mass of an object, using a variety of non-standard units (e.g.,“I used the pan balance and found that the stapler has the same mass as my pencil case.”)
  • compare and order a collection of objects by mass and/or capacity, using non-standard units (e.g.,“The coffee can holds more sand than the soup can, but the same amount as the small pail.”)
  • CHALLENGE:  identify if various containers have a greater capacity / smaller capacity / or equal than 1 L

Gr. 3
  • choose benchmarks for a kilogram and a litre (milk carton, water bottle) to help them perform measurement tasks
  • estimate, measure, and record the mass of objects (e.g., can of apple juice, bag of oranges, bag of sand), using the standard unit of the kilogram or parts of a kilogram (e.g., half, quarter)
  • estimate, measure, and record the capacity of containers (e.g., juice can, milk bag), using the standard unit of the litre or parts of a litre (e.g., half, quarter)
  • compare and order a collection of objects, using standard units of mass (i.e., kilogram) and/or capacity (i.e., litre)

Image result for images of political maps of canadaSOCIAL STUDIES:  

Image result for images of native peoples of algonquin and iroquoian tribesGr. 2s are learning mapping skills and about the 7 continents, 5 oceans, hemispheres, poles, equator, and compass rose directions.  They are learning about Canada's 10 provinces and three territories and which oceans and countries that border us. We will be having a quiz on Mapping skills either this week or next.  Stay tuned.

Gr. 3s are learning about the native peoples from the Algonquin and Iroquoian tribes and how they helped the early settlers adapt and survive in the new land through a series of journals written by the early settlers and natives themselves.  It offers a unique perspective of the challenges from both perspectives and how that relationship developed and changed over time.  

Image result for images of advent wreathsRELIGION:
In preparation of the season of Advent (the four weeks before Christmas), students are learning about the Christmas story, the symbolism of the Advent Wreath and significance of each candle as the season progresses.  

We are also preparing and delivering short paraliturgies with our two other grade three teams for each week of Advent.

For a little fun, we have also been counting down the days until Christmas with the help of an Chocolate Advent Calendar that each student gets to enjoy.  Each daily pocket contains TWO chocolates; one for the person who is that number and an extra chocolate for that person to give to someone who has been extra kind to them.  Ask your child who they gave their extra chocolate to and why!

 The Grade 2/3s have been working on writing paragraphs and for Christmas, we are writing about our favourite Christmas memories.  Each paragraph begins with a topic sentence, then 3-4 detail sentences, followed by a concluding sentence to end the paragraph.  Ask your child about which memory is his/her favourite!

SECRET QUESTION:  How much do you weigh in kilograms?

Coach Wilson