Thursday, 30 June 2016

Good-bye for now...

Dear Parents,
          Well, this year has come to a close and I wanted to take a moment to express my sincere thanks to all of you who made this year possible with your support!  I have really enjoyed this group of fine young people and look forward to watching them continue to grow and develop into amazing little people!  This year's groups was one in a million and I will miss them very much!  You, as parents, have done a tremendous job raising kind, caring and respectful children!
         Thank you to everyone who contributed to our final class meal and many thanks to all the amazing gifts you spoiled me with yesterday!  You are all very kind and generous!

Image result for images of unsubscribingNow, down to business, you all need to UNSUBSCRIBE to this blog so that you do not continue to get posts from's easy.  Go to the bottom of one of my posts and hit 'Unsubscribe'.  That's all, no more alerts from me!

Enjoy your summer everyone and I will see you all next year before you know it!

Image result for images of loveSigning off for the last time,

Coach Wilson

Final Day Pics!

Thank you, Mrs. Zepeda, for the delicious Cake for our Class!

Hi, Mr. Gaudette!

Best Wishes, Mrs. Savoni!

Monday, 27 June 2016

Image result for images of report cardsREPORT CARDS come home today!  Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns!

PLEASE SIGN AND RETURN BOTTOM PORTION ONLY of your child's report card, as it must be filed in your child's OSR (Ontario Student Record).

Image result for images of reminders

Reminder:  TOMORROW (Tuesday, June 28) IS FUN DAY!
  • Bring water bottle and snacks only (lunch will be provided)
  • Apply sunblock before coming to school 
  • Wear bathing suit / bring a change of clothes and a towel
  • Wear a hat
  • Wear appropriate outdoor foot wear to participate in running games

Image result for images of children's gamesWEDNESDAY, JUNE 29th 
If you choose, students are allowed to bring in ....
  • boardgames
  • electronics

Image result for images of potlucksAlso, don't forget to sign up for our POTLUCK LUNCH Wednesday to share in a our final TEAM WILSON meal together as a family.  Thank you in advance to all parents who so generously contributed so far...
Image result for images of old lady clip art

Coach Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  How old is Mrs. Wilson?

Friday, 24 June 2016

Fun Day Date Change!

Due to extremely high temperatures forecasted for Monday, Fun Day will take place on Tuesday instead.

Coach Wilson

Thursday, 23 June 2016

Image result for images of sunblockYes, ANOTHER post today (that makes three!)...

Monday, June 27th, is our FUN DAY! Make sure your child comes to school with ....

  • wear bathing suit under clothes as there will be many water games
  • towel
  • refillable bottle of water
  • snacks

Image result for images of potluck Please sign up in your child's agenda for our upcoming pot luck luncheon next Wednesday (last day of school). Thank you!

Image result for images of black pouchesImage result for images of signs please returnAlso, please return ANY AND ALL books your child has borrowed from my personal classroom library for their independent reading pouches. Also, return all black pouches as soon as possible. Thank you in advance for helping your child search around the house for my precious books!

I promise that is all for now....

Coach Wilson

SECRET QUESION:  What was Emma's speech point of view speech about?