Monday 27 June 2016

Image result for images of report cardsREPORT CARDS come home today!  Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns!

PLEASE SIGN AND RETURN BOTTOM PORTION ONLY of your child's report card, as it must be filed in your child's OSR (Ontario Student Record).

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Reminder:  TOMORROW (Tuesday, June 28) IS FUN DAY!
  • Bring water bottle and snacks only (lunch will be provided)
  • Apply sunblock before coming to school 
  • Wear bathing suit / bring a change of clothes and a towel
  • Wear a hat
  • Wear appropriate outdoor foot wear to participate in running games

Image result for images of children's gamesWEDNESDAY, JUNE 29th 
If you choose, students are allowed to bring in ....
  • boardgames
  • electronics

Image result for images of potlucksAlso, don't forget to sign up for our POTLUCK LUNCH Wednesday to share in a our final TEAM WILSON meal together as a family.  Thank you in advance to all parents who so generously contributed so far...
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Coach Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  How old is Mrs. Wilson?