Tuesday 24 November 2015

Need a Vacation Photo!

Image result for images of fun places for kidsHi Parents,
Image result for images of postcards from colasanti tropical gardens ontario        As we finish us our unit on letter writing, we conclude with postcards from memorable family vacations!  We are asking that you send in one photograph of your child on vacation that would be suitable for the front of a postcard.  Hopefully, in it are hints of where you were.  Your child will be writing a postcard (using the features of a letter) to a friend in the class.  It will be posted up on our Team Bulletin Board as we proudly display our hard work! Try to find a picture that has your child IN it if possible.  Please send in by Thursday, but the sooner the better!  It doesn't have to be anywhere exotic, as you notice by some of the local places I've included in pictures.  Discuss some of the things you did there if it has been a while to refresh your child's memory.  I will take pictures of your child's final postcard for you to enjoy and post them on my blog by next week! Thank you in advance!

Also, thank you for the steady flow of cans!  Our class total is currently at 30!  Keep 'em coming!

Coach Wilson

Image result for images of canned goods
Image result for images of tongue twisters
Secret Question:  What is another word for an 'alliteration'?