Wednesday 25 November 2015

Image result for images of parents helping kids do mathParents,
        Some students in the class continue to struggle with how to tell time.  Please practise this with them as often as possible tonight and tomorrow night in preparation for Friday's test. This a concept that is crucial in everyday life as we deal with calendars and time several times throughout the day.  Your support is crucial as I have limited time to work with them individually during the day.

Here is what you need to focus on...

Gr. 2 -

    Image result for images of parents helping their kids practise time on clocks
  • Reading a calendar
  • Telling time to the hour, half hour, quarter hour
  • Telling time two ways Ex.  Quarter to six or 5:45
  • Elapsed time  Ex.  It is 7:00, what time will it be in 15 minutes?
  • Identifying if temperature is rising or falling
  • CHALLENGE:  Recording temperature on a thermometer
  • Identifying appropriate clothing for the four seasons
  • Identifying activities you would likely do in each season
  • Identifying # of days in a week (7), # of days in a year (365), # of weeks in a year (52), # of months in a year (12), # of days in a leap year (366), # of days in February in a leap year (29), # of days in February in a regular year (28)

Gr. 3 -

    Image result for images of parents helping kids doing time on clocks
  • Telling time to five minute intervals
  • Telling time in two different ways Ex.  6:40  or twenty minutes to seven
  • Identifying # of days in a week (7), # of days in a year (365), # of weeks in a year (52), # of months in a year (12), # of days in a leap year (366), # of days in February in a leap year (29), # of days in February in a regular year (28)
  • Reading a thermometer in degrees Celsius
  • Recording temperature correctly on  a thermometer
  • Elasped time
  • Solving problems with time
  • Identifying benchmarks of temperature

Image result for images of benchmarks for temperature on a thermometer in degrees CelsiusEx.

  • 100 degrees Celsius - water boils
  • 37 degrees Celsius is body temperature
  • 20 degrees Celsius is room temperature
  • 10 degrees Celsius is a Fall day
  • 0 degrees Celsius is when water freezes
  • -10 degrees Celsius is a winter day
  • -20 degrees Celsius is a VERY cold winter day                        

Happy Studying!

Coach Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What is 5 x 3?