Friday 29 April 2016

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Swim to Survive Visit #1 of 3 was a splash of a success yesterday!  Students did a great job and enjoy the experience!  Excellent job of remembering to bring a plastic bag, towel and suit!  
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Same time, same place next Thursday!

Math Tests:
Yesterday, Geometry and Spatial Sense Math tests were sent home to be reviewed and signed.  Next unit will be Linear Measurement.  More info to come on that this weekend.

Image result for images of disappointment clip artTonight, the Gr. 3 Social Studies end-of-the-unit test along with their specialized community research projects will be coming home. The final mark for report cards is averaged out between these two tasks.  I must say, that with the amount of conferencing I did during the research portion of this project with students in class, I was disappointed with the level of effort that students put into finding information for their presentations. I GAVE them the information pages on each community so no additional research was expected.  They just had to read it carefully and extract the details to include in their presentation. It seems that many grade 3s were waiting for the answers to be given to them rather than actively finding it themselves.  I've come to know my students well and expect that they put in 100% effort in all areas and this clearly wasn't the case.  Hopefully, it was a learning experience for all!  I'll make sure students get more practise with this in the next couple of months, that's all!

Next unit for Gr. 3 will be Science:  Exploring Soil and Plants.

More to come soon!

Coach Wilson

SECRET QUESTION: What do 'adverbs' describe?