Wednesday 27 April 2016

Image result for images of swimming suit clip art

Tomorrow, THURSDAY, APRIL 28, the grade threes will attend Swim to Survive in the afternoon at the Windsor Aquatic Centre. This program is directly linked with our Ontario Health and Physical Education Documents and as such, students will be assessed and given a mark on the ability to complete the following criteria;

                    1.   Roll into deep water
                    2.  Tread water for 1 minute
                    3.  Swim 50 metres
The final certificate will indicate one of two results:  
  • HAS achieved the Swim to Survive Standard (3 skills in a continuous sequence) or,
  • Has not met the Swim to Survive Standard

Image result for images of pool towel clipartPlease send your child with a plastic bag (to put wet towel and bathing suit in after changing) and a large swimming towel (large enough to cover themselves with while changing).  Students will be allowed to change at the lunch hour INTO their bathing suits if they choose so as to save time when arriving at the pool. I spoke to the grade 3s about respecting other students' privacy and their own in the change room and to change quickly and quietly so as not to waste any time.  You may want to follow up with a conversation of your own tonight with your child.

To view a video of what to expect tomorrow, check out...
Swim to Survive 

I will attend the final Swim to Survive session to assist in assessing students as they perform the 3 skills.
It will be a lot of fun!  Promise!

That's all for now, 

Coach Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What is 4 x 5?