Friday 1 April 2016

This week...
Gr. 3s ONLY:  Preventive Dental Health Service Excursion

    Image result for images of dental health
  • In collaboration with the Windsor – Essex Catholic District School Board, St. Clair College is pleased to offer a free preventive dental health service for your child in GRADE THREE on Thursday, April 14th.
  • Procedures will include a professional cleaning of the teeth, a fluoride application (if necessary) and an oral hygiene lesson on brushing and care of the teeth. Also, your child will be participating in a dental health lesson that will include instruction on how to choose healthy snacks that are beneficial for good general and dental health.  Each child is given individualized special care and will be given a free toothbrush. Procedures are performed by Dental Hygiene students that are supervised by four Registered Dental Hygienists. All instruments are heat sterilized and the highest level of infection control procedures are strictly adhered to. This dental inspection and educational visit is not intended in any way to replace regular check-ups by your dentist. This is a positive and fun experience for all!  Be on the lookout for permission forms coming home on this week!  I will be staying at the school with my grade twos while Mr. Kosty and Mrs. Ferrato take my 10 grade threes.


    Image result for images of texture clipartImage result for images of texture clipart
  • Students have been learning how to create illusionary textures in 2D works of art.  In particular, how to draw texture to appear like tree bark, fish scales, blades of grass, thatch, water, brick and stone paths.  Also, they will use their fine art skills learned at the beginning of the year to draw facial features with expression.  Their test will be this week for 30 minutes a day while students create texture on a large black and white paper with a scene that lends all of those textures possible.  Students are to work at their own pace and complete this assessment by the end of the week.  
Please support our efforts at school by practising these concepts with your child at home whenever possible.
    Image result for images of canadian moneyImage result for images of canadian money
  • Gr. 2 - estimate, count, and represent (using the ¢ symbol) the value of a collection of coins with a maximum value of one dollar. By the end of Grade 2, students will count forward by 1’s, 2’s, 5’s, 10’s, and 25’s to 200, using number lines and hundreds charts, starting from multiples of 1, 2, 5, and 10 (e.g., count by 5’s from 15; count by 25’s from 125).  
  • Gr. 3 - – estimate, count, and represent (using the $ symbol) the value of a collection of coins and bills with a maximum value of $10.  Count forward by 1’s, 2’s, 5’s, 10’s and 100’s to 1000 from various starting points, and by 25’s to 1000 starting from multiples of 25, using a variety of tools and strategies (e.g., skip count with and without the aid of a calculator; skip count by 10’s using dimes).
Image result for images of recorderMUSIC:
  • Please ensure that your child is keeping his/her recorder in their backpacks as we are starting up music again for term two. Students are expected to practise for 10 minutes each night.
  • The grade threes continue to collect information for their specialized communities this week.  We should be ready to start presentations by next week.  These presentations will be assessed and averaged with a quiz on the unit for the final mark on Living and Working in Ontario.
  • The grade twos continue to investigate properties of liquids and solids through a series of experiments.  Ask your child about liquids that are able to dissolve solids and solids that can absorb liquids!
  • Students are encouraged to READ every evening for a minimum of 15 minutes to support their overall reading comprehension and fluency progress.  We are continuing to work on paragraph writing using specific word choice, precise verbs, and a variety of sentences.  In grammar, we are going to focus on the use of quotation marks, commas and prefixes in our writing.
Image result for images of a singer  winking clip artFinally, due to popular demand, we are returning to our SOW (Song Of the Week)!  We will still do the occasional poem, however, students are very eager to explore Rhythm and Blues, Country, Opera, Hip Hop, and other genres of music!  Me, too!

More to come soon!

Coach Wilson

Secret Question:  
What is the total value of 3 quarters, 1 dime and 1 nickel?