Thursday 21 January 2016

Image result for images of students studying clipartDear Parents, 
            The Grade 3 Science Test will be continued tomorrow since we ran out of time today to complete them.  It might be a good idea to ask your child what they may still need to review for tonight!  Reminder Math quiz on 2D shapes is tomorrow!

Gr. 3 -
  • look at a picture and describe ALL 4 forces they see at work and describe HOW these forces are working.  Ex.  I see a bear hanging from a tree.  There is friction at work because his paw is gripping the tree so he doesn't slip off, gravity if pulling the bear down towards the ground, the bear is using muscular force by holding on to the tree using his muscles and erosion can be seen in the background where water is rushing over rocks wearing them down slowly over many many years.
  • match a force to the correct description
  • answer true or false questions about forces
  • explain the concept of how an object at rest, stays at rest unless acted upon by an outside force and an object in motion, stays in motion, unless acted upon by an outside force.
Gr. 2 - Test is on Friday on Air and Water.  Students should be able to ...
  • answer true or false questions about air and water
  • be able to describe water and air
  • be able to name several uses for water and air
  • identify objects made in nature and objects made by man
  • sort energy sources as renewable or non-renewable
  • describe and label the water cycle and wind cycle
  • describe condensation, evaporation, precipitation
Good Luck reviewing!
Coach Wilson

SECRET QUESTION: What is 5 x 9?  (Use the clock to help!)