Wednesday 6 January 2016

Science Gr. 3

Hello GRADE THREE Parents!

         Just a heads up on our current science unit and how it will go down....

Image result for images of scienceThis unit will done a little bit differently than our last Science unit where we had a big unit test at the end of the entire unit.  This unit on Forces will be made up of four quizzes and one unit test each on a particular force.  I will be showing a short video clip from Bill Nye the Science Guy and other sources followed by a review sheet from which to study.  Students will get two days to prepare for each quiz.  Students in the past really liked this format and did quite well because they only had to focus on limited information to learn at one time.  Typically, I gave one day for the review, but I think this year I will give two days.  Encourage your child to use these two days wisely!  It's an easy way to earn a great mark in science!

These are the forces that students will be focussing on...
Muscular Force
The Force of Gravity
The Force of Friction
The Force of Erosion

Image result for images of muscular forceSo, our first quiz will be Friday on Muscular Forces.  Please go over the review sheet tonight with your child in preparation for Friday's quiz.

Coach Wilson

SECRET QUESTION (for both grades of course):  What is a force?