Tuesday 12 January 2016

Math Test on Graphing

Image result for images of pictographs     Students will be assessed in Math this Thursday in Data Mgt.  Things may seem to be moving fast, however, we have had some short math units that only require a couple of weeks to complete.  Our final unit will be on Geometry to conclude all five term one math strands.

Gr. 2 - The two's will be asked to generate a questions, create a chart/table to organize their survey, conduct a survey, collect and enter the data on their charts using tallies, create a bar graph using their data from their charts, and finally, interpret the data on their graphs in 5 different ways.

Gr. 3 - See the Grade 3 math duo tangs for review.  Questions similar to the last 6 pages will be asked.  Students are expected to be able to create, read and interpret pictographs and bar graphs.

Image result for images of vertical bar graphsI will send home the students' math books to review.  (We have done a great deal of work / review in class on this unit, so although review is certainly helpful, it is not necessary for your child to do well in this particular unit).

Coach Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What is our greatest source of energy?