Tuesday 17 May 2016

Media Literacy Commercial/Poster Board Project:
Image result for images of commercials clip art
This week's homework is to work on and complete their 1 minute commercial advertising their new product and a poster board.  See rubric that was sent home last week with information sheet.  Tonight I will send home a bristol board for thier project. 

Math Test:  Please review the tagged pages of your child's math duo tang to review errors made.  Students should review tonight for about 15 minutes to prepare for the test tomorrow.  

Image result for images of read a thon clip artTHIS FRIDAY:  Read-A-Thon and Pajama Day!  Students are encouraged to hand in all Read-A-Thon pledges this week and get geared up to read ALL MORNING this Friday!  Students can get comfy in cozy pajamas and bring in any favourite books that they might want to read.  Thank you for all of your support in this fund raiser!


Image result for images of EQAO testingAs you all are aware, EQAO testing takes occurs in grade three and will take place on May 31st, June 1st and June 2.  Please try to arrange appointments outside of these dates.  There shouldn't be any concern about this test, as students are more than fully prepared.  My role as your child's grade 3 educator is to fully prepare your child for grade 4 by ensuring that skills and concepts have been fully covered in curriculum.  As I explained to the WHOLE class, my job is to get the grade 2s ready for grade 3 and the grade 3s ready for grade 4.  That being said, most of my tests have been formatted in the same way the test is administered with similar types of questions (short answer, multiple choice, reading passages).  In the past, students have asked me if I had written the EQAO test because it was so close to what the students were used to...lol.  I do not cater my entire year to this test, however, I do fully prepare them to succeed.  So, I hope this calms any concerns.  Here is how the days will be laid out...

Tuesday, May 31st:
9:00 - 10:30ish - Language Book A              1:00 - 2:30 pm - Math Book 1
Wednesday, June 1st: 
9:00 - 10:30ish - Language Book B              1:00 - 2:30 pm - Math Book 2
Thursday, June 2nd:
9:00 - 10:30ish - Language Book C             1:00 - 2:30 pm - Language Book D

All of the time in between will be business as usual (with a few fun activities thrown in there, too)!  Any parent who has ANY questions about this assessment, please call and speak to me.  They are going to do great!

Coach Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  A rectangle has a total perimeter of 18 cm.  What could the length of each side be?