Friday 13 May 2016

YES!  I AM still alive...sorry about the silence....seems like ages since my last post!

Image result for images of linear measurement clip artWe are finishing up our unit on Linear Measurement this week, and will be ready for an assessment early next week.  I will send the math books home for review Monday and Tuesday and we will have our test on Wednesday.
Image result for images of inventions
Image result for images of commercials clip artMedia Literacy Commercial Project:  Today I am sending home the details and rubric for our Commerical/Poster project.  In short, students are going to invent a new product, create a poster to display information about this product and present a 1-minute commerical to sell this product.  Students will be expected to work on this project as their homework all next week 30  minutes a night.  Presentations begin Wednesday, May 25th.

Coach Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What is 6 x 4?