Friday 11 September 2015

First Week Review Reports

Image result for images of FridayHappy Friday Parents and Students!

What a terrific first week of our school year!  My players on Team Wilson are ALL amazing, unique and original little people who each contribute valuable skills and talents to our team!  I am so looking forward to getting to know each of them as our season continues!

Image result for images for progress reportsThank you, parents, for doing your homework and submitting on time!  I can hear the love in your surveys!  Also, I appreciate everyone who has submitted all of those thousands of forms for this that and the other this week.  The beginning of the year is a crazy time! Things should settle down by next week!

You will have noticed a mini-progress report in your child's agenda tonight.  It is to give you a good idea of how they started the year based on the co-created success criteria we developed earlier this week.  I am VERY happy with everyone's effort so far on Team Wilson!  Today, we held our first blog draw with the lucky winner being Sebastiano!  Congratulations, keep reading our blog for more chances!

Image result for images for green pencilsAlso, at the beginning of the week, we took on the GREAT PENCIL CHALLENGE.  Each student received a new, sharpened green pencil with their student number written on it in permanent marker.  I challenged students to use this pencil all week without losing it and if on Friday, (today) students were able to show it to me, they received a little treat and continued on their journey keeping track of this special pencil.  I am proud to say that only one student lost their pencil this week!  Good luck to those students still in the challenge!

Image result for images of black zip up pouchesNext week, students will be taking home a black 'Take Home Reading Pouch' that will hold two books from my personal library for reading.  Students understand that the expectation is for the grade threes to read for a minimum of 20 minutes every night and the grade twos at least 15 minutes a night.  I also ask that you assist your child in taking good care of my books and return them when they require new ones.  This will be done on a need be basis.  I encourage students to read a variety of genres of books to get exposure to all kinds of reading.
Image result for images of reminders
Parents, please make sure your child has a pair of indoor only shoes that will remain at school for the year.  These shoes will also serve as their gym shoes, so please try to send in white-soled running shoes for gym use.  Thank you!

Next week I will be sending home an overview of what our focus will be in each grade in each subject area.  Feel free to check out the Ontario Curriculum documents under Helpful Links to the right to see what specific expectations your child will be learning this year!

Well, that's all for now, enjoy your weekend with your family!  See you all on Monday!

SECRET QUESTION:  What game did we play on French Friday that helped us learn the body parts in French?

Coach Wilson
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