Monday 28 September 2015

Hello Parents!

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend!  Things are going really well on Team Wilson!

Homework:  Students did a good job to start on their THRoW homework.  I try to give students B.U.S. (bump-up strategies)        to improve upon their quality of work.  Please read over my comments on the previous reading response from last week before having your child begin this week's.  It will help them to focus their efforts on the areas of in need of improvement!  Please sign each THRoW entry each week so I know you have seen it.

This week...
Monday - Test in Language - writing sentences
Wednesday - Terry Fox Run Day
Thursday - Math Test on Number Sense / WOW test / Cookie Dough Fundraising Kick-Off Assembly in gym
Friday - P.D. Day - no school

Please make sure your child has a pair of indoor only gym shoes to stay here at school.  With the weather changing, it's bound to get wetter and dirtier.  Thank you!

Coach Wilson

Image result for images of questions clip artSECRET QUESTION:  What visual did we use to understand the Holy Spirit, God and Jesus (the Holy Trinity) in class last week?  Hint:  It tastes really good over-easy!