Monday 21 September 2015

New Homework...

Dear Parents, 

Image result for images of homework     Tonight your child is coming home with the weekly homework.  This homework should take your child approximately 20 minutes to complete.  Ideally, you could have your child work on for a little while each day, however, I understand that some nights are hectic.  I just don't want students to leave homework until Thursday night when they might be rushed in completing it.  
Image result for images of character traits
We have been learning how to describe characters in a story using character traits.  Character traits describe the character's personality 'most of the time', not just in one particular situation.  For example, in the story Cinderella, a character trait that best describes Cinderella would be hard-working because in the story Cinderella is always cleaning, cooking, ironing, and sweeping.  All jobs that require hard work.

    I have tagged the readers on the correct page to find the story A List. Have your child read the story and describe two character traits that best describe the main character in this story.  Please return both THRoW books and readers by Friday.

    I would like all THRoW books to be neatly set up as modelled below.  Please notice that students need to skip lines so that I can edit and revise their work.

                                            A List

Date:  September 21, 2015

      The main character in the story A List is _______.  

One character trait that describes ______________ is 

__________________  because in the story 


Another character trait that describes ____________ is 

____________________ because in the story _______


 Examples of possible character traits that your child may use to describe a main character could a word from the poster below. 
Then students explain why with proof in the story to support their thinking.

Happy Reading!

Coach Wilson

Image result for images of questionsSECRET QUESTION:  How many WOW words does each student have to practise for Friday's WOW test?