Monday 14 September 2015

September/October Curriculum Focus

Here is the next couple of months at a glance...

Image result for images of language

Reading - students will be assessed at current reading levels and put into small groups for daily guided reading instruction.  Comprehension Strategies:  Activating Prior Knowledge, Predicting, and Visualizing.  

Writing:  Explore why people write, ways to organize our thinking using webs, learning about the revising process and editing processes, making lists and writing letters.
Spelling Program: Students will be starting their personalized spelling program beginning next week.  It will consist of 10 words that they will be given every Monday and tested on every Friday.  Students are expected to practise on their own at home each week.  Words are taken from the 0-700 Dolch Word Lists.

Media Literacy - Identifying a variety of media forms, learning about the purpose of reading/writing; to entertain, persuade or inform, identifying target audiences, and media messages.

Oral and Visual  Communication: Students will learn how to speak in front of an audience using appropriate voice, body language, eye contact, and pace of speech. Focus on speaking clearly and coherently using appropriate voice and expression.

Image result for images of mathMATH: Number Sense and Numeration

Gr. 2 -  Reading and printing numbers to 20, representing numbers to 100, making numbers using base ten blocks, composing and decomposing 2-digit numbers, counting forward to 100 by 1s, 2s. 5s, 10s, and 25s, and backwards from  50 using different starts, rounding  numbers to the nearest 10, place value, estimating numbers.

Gr. 3 - Reading and writing numbers to 100, reading/representing/comparing/ordering numbers to 1000 using base ten blocks, counting forward and backward by 2s, 5s, 10s, 25s and 100s, rounding numbers to the nearest 100, place value, addition and subtraction strategies, standard addition and subtraction with 2-digit and 3-digit numbers, estimating numbers to 100.

Image result for images structures and simple machinesSCIENCE:  Understanding Structures and Mechanisms
Image result for images structures
Gr. 2 - Simple Machines

Gr. 3 - Strong and Stable Structures

THE ARTS:  Visual Arts

Gr. 2/3 - Students will be exploring warm and cool colours and developing . We will also be looking at fine art skills by learning how to draw heads, eyes, ears, noses, mouths, and a basic human body.

Image result for images processed and unprocessed foodsHEALTH - Healthy Living

Gr. 2 - Food Groups, serving sizes, balancing diet, common food allergies, personal safety indoors and outdoors, standing up for oneself - speaking confidently, saying no, boundaries.

Gr. 3 - Food origins, processed and unprocessed, oral health, indoor and outdoor safety, food allergies causes and treatments, bullying awareness and how to deal with difficult situations.


Gr. 2 - Theme:  We Belong - Students learn how to recognize how valuable they are and where they belong (to a family, to a team/sport/club/class, a classroom, a school, a church, a community, a city, a country).  Students will also learn various prayers Hail Mary, Our Father.
Image result for images holy spirit

Gr. 3 - Theme:  In the Spirit - Grade threes learn about the Holy Spirit and it the fruits of the Holy Spirit; faithfulness, joy, love, patience, goodness, kindness, self-control, peace, gentleness.  Through a series of short video clips, students try to find evidence of these gifts at work in the actions of various characters.  Also, students will be learning about the parts of the mass, and various prayers of the church; Hail Mary, Our Father, The Apostles Creed.

SECRET QUESTION:  What is our classroom theme this year?

That's all for now, 
Coach Wilson