Monday 12 October 2015

Image result for images of people who are full after thanksgiving dinner clipartHere's hoping you all had a very blessed Thanksgiving weekend!
Now, let's get down to work to shed off those extra pounds we all put on!

THRoW:  This week, students are going to be using the books in their Take Home Reading Pouches to do their homework. (the black pouch that has two of my classroom books in it for your child to be reading every night for 20 minutes). That means, that your child will choose a fiction book that they are already reading (could be from the pouch or a book from home) and set up their THRoW book exactly as done before only this time, they will be finding 2 character traits that best describe the main character from one of their independent reading books.  Student do not have to read the entire book, they can describe the main character so far.  So long as they provide support as to why they chose that particular character trait, it will be great. I will be doing this from now on, unless I let you know otherwise.  Please check the blog often, homework changes as our language goals change.   Also, try to make sure your child is reading my feedback WITH you.  It's important in order for your child to bump up their level.

Image result for images of being lateSome parents have mentioned that they are not receiving my posts until a day later.  I looked into it and it turns out that I am unable to do anything about this. It may be a server issue on the other end.  In any case, I will try to stay two days ahead of schedule, but, this WILL be a challenge for me! I'll do my best.

What is the value of the underlined digit, 39?

Coach Wilson