Wednesday 14 October 2015

Image result for images of doctors clip art      Today, students will be coming home with a short, one page quiz on Character Traits.  All of the characters were known to the students, as we discussed them at length as a whole group.  We have also been learning all about a wealth of character traits since September.
      Part two of our character traits assessment will be tomorrow.  Students will need to describe specific character traits needed for a person in a particular profession / job.
For Ex.
 Doctor - intelligent because learning to be a doctor requires many years in school with good grades.
             - attentive because doctors need to pay attention to their patients' needs and concerns.

By the way, parents, I cannot tell you how PROUD I am of my team this year!  This class is a really amazing group of players who are ready and willing to work hard to develop their skills!  We are moving along beautifully so far!  Today, we began our small guided reading groups in centres.  Ask your child about our centres tonight! (Centres:  Guided Reading, Word Work Menu, Writing (Letters), Paragraph Editing, Daily Math).

Image result for images of detroit lions uniformImage result for images of dance costumesPICTURE TIME!

I am asking that all students come to school some time this week wearing a 'TEAM' shirt of some kind for a photo shoot.  It can be for a dance team, sports team, scouts, brownies, gymnastics team, bowling team, etc.

SECRET QUESTION:  What is do we call words that have opposite meanings?

That's all for now!
Coach Wilson