Saturday, 27 February 2016

Pics Class Mass / Author Visit

Reminder, PASTA / SALAD Lunch with ROLLS tomorrow thanks to Claire Ruttle for being selected as Student of the Week by The Mix 96.7 Blackburn Radio!!

     The Grade 2s finished up their Country Presentations last week and did a tremendous job researching interesting facts and information!  Well done everyone!

      Team Wilson really enjoyed our Class Mass on Friday with Fr. Tony and Ms. Christine.  Enjoy some of the photographs below! Ask your child about it!  It was quite funny at certain points!

This week's THRoW will be writing a paragraph (of course with a web with a brainstorm first).  I will model one in your child's book for your see.  Every paragraph begins with a topic sentence (that's introduces what the paragraph about) followed by 3-4 details sentences (all should be on topic) and finally ending with a creative closing sentence.  Have your child edit by erasing and fixing.

Our poem of the week will remain the same for this week so we will have the chance to create our own concrete poems!

That's all for now,

Coach Wilson

How many years did it take Kay Douglas to write 'Yours For the Dreaming'?


Tuesday, 23 February 2016

Image result for images of oops clipartDear Parents,
         I guess this is going to be one of those weeks...I did not send home the THRoW books as promised!  Chalk it up to old age combined with a lot of things going on this week!  So, enjoy no homework this week, other than reviewing and preparing for our Math and Language tests!  

Image result for images of clip art applause     Congratulations on another great presentation today by Anna on Mexico! Keep them coming!  

Mix 96.7     In the news.....our class will be treated to a Harvest Fresh Pasta lunch with salad and rolls on Monday, February 29th because Claire, a student in our class, was selected as the Student of the Week by Blackburn Radio, Mix 96.7!  Congratulations, Claire! Just remember to bring morning and afternoon snack and drinks.  See note in your child's agenda!

Coach Wilson

Secret Question:  What is a word that describes a noun? 


Monday, 22 February 2016

Image result for images of changing plans clip art
No Reading response this week.  Instead, students will be writing a paragraph in their old THRoW books.  I will send it home tomorrow.

Math test will be on Wednesday instead of Tuesday.  Students MUST correct their mistakes tonight in their blue Math duo tangs.
Image result for images of standing ovations clip art

Congratulations to Sarah, Hannah and Kyle who were the first Country Project Presenters today!  They all did a tremendous job!

Coach Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  Which country used the yo-yo to hunt?

Friday, 19 February 2016

Image result for images of students presenting clip artNEXT WEEK:  Week of February 22nd-26th...

  • Grade 2 Country Project Presentations
  • Review for Math Test in class
    Image result for images of growing patterns
  • Math test on Geometric Patterns and Balancing Equations
  • Field Trip: Pediatric Read at Ciociaro Club  We depart at 12:30 pm so please do not plan on keeping your child home for lunch on this day.  We will return at around 3:00 pm.  
Image result for images of church mass clip artFriday
  • Gr. 2/3 Mass in our classroom with Fr. Tony

Coach Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  Which family fact sentence is missing:  
4 + 5 = 9     9 - 5 = 4     9 - 4 = 5

Thursday, 18 February 2016

Image result for images of math tests clip art
Math - This unit on Patterning and Algebra (Geometric Patterns, Balancing Equations) will be completed by tomorrow.  I will be sending home their blue Math duo tangs for review for review this weekend in lieu of The Great Poetry Race.  Monday will be our class review and Tuesday will be the unit test.

Students should be able to ...

Gr. 2 - 
    Image result for images of math tests clip art
  • make a number from 1-20 in a variety of ways using addition and subtraction
  • create, extend, and describe geometric patterns using 1 or 2 attributes
  • show that 2 expressions are equal Ex.  4+2 = 5+1
  • Solve missing numbers in equations
  • BONUS:  Review of mulitiplication tables x0, x1, x2, x10, x5, x3
Gr. 3 - 
  • sort objects by 1, 2, or 3 attributes
  • create, extend, and describe geometric patterns using input / output tables
  • balancing equations
  • solve missing numbers in equations
  • Review of multiplication tables x0, x1, x2, x10, x5, x3

REMINDER:  GR. 2 Country Study Projects are DUE FOR PRESENTING on Monday!  We are all looking forward to these fascinating country presentations!
Please return country package with rubric for me to use for assessing.

Coach Wilson
Secret Question:  Solve by balancing this equation:  7 + 4  =  2 + ?

Wednesday, 17 February 2016

Image result for images of poets clip artSECRET QUESTION:  Name one of the tools that poets might use to communicate meaning.

Coach Wilson

Tuesday, 16 February 2016

Welcome back Team Wilson!
Image result for images of family day
I hope you all enjoyed your extra family time together yesterday on Family Day!

Here's a peek at the week...

    Image result for images of nouns
  1. Language test on Nouns.  See yellow language duo tang tonight and tomorrow night for review.  You child needs to be able to ...
Image result for images of nouns
  • identify proper and common nouns
  • identify pronouns
  • make nouns plural
Thursday -
  1. Gr. 2 - Country Project Poster due - students should have their poster completed for their country project so that they may start practising their oral presentation.  See rubric that was given out last week.
Image result for images of posters of country projects

More to come later!

Coach Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  Give an example of an onomatopoeia.