The Grade 2s finished up their Country Presentations last week and did a tremendous job researching interesting facts and information! Well done everyone!
Team Wilson really enjoyed our Class Mass on Friday with Fr. Tony and Ms. Christine. Enjoy some of the photographs below! Ask your child about it! It was quite funny at certain points!
This week's THRoW will be writing a paragraph (of course with a web with a brainstorm first). I will model one in your child's book for your see. Every paragraph begins with a topic sentence (that's introduces what the paragraph about) followed by 3-4 details sentences (all should be on topic) and finally ending with a creative closing sentence. Have your child edit by erasing and fixing.
Our poem of the week will remain the same for this week so we will have the chance to create our own concrete poems!
That's all for now,
Coach Wilson
How many years did it take Kay Douglas to write 'Yours For the Dreaming'?