Thursday 18 February 2016

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Math - This unit on Patterning and Algebra (Geometric Patterns, Balancing Equations) will be completed by tomorrow.  I will be sending home their blue Math duo tangs for review for review this weekend in lieu of The Great Poetry Race.  Monday will be our class review and Tuesday will be the unit test.

Students should be able to ...

Gr. 2 - 
    Image result for images of math tests clip art
  • make a number from 1-20 in a variety of ways using addition and subtraction
  • create, extend, and describe geometric patterns using 1 or 2 attributes
  • show that 2 expressions are equal Ex.  4+2 = 5+1
  • Solve missing numbers in equations
  • BONUS:  Review of mulitiplication tables x0, x1, x2, x10, x5, x3
Gr. 3 - 
  • sort objects by 1, 2, or 3 attributes
  • create, extend, and describe geometric patterns using input / output tables
  • balancing equations
  • solve missing numbers in equations
  • Review of multiplication tables x0, x1, x2, x10, x5, x3

REMINDER:  GR. 2 Country Study Projects are DUE FOR PRESENTING on Monday!  We are all looking forward to these fascinating country presentations!
Please return country package with rubric for me to use for assessing.

Coach Wilson
Secret Question:  Solve by balancing this equation:  7 + 4  =  2 + ?