Tuesday 16 February 2016

Welcome back Team Wilson!
Image result for images of family day
I hope you all enjoyed your extra family time together yesterday on Family Day!

Here's a peek at the week...

    Image result for images of nouns
  1. Language test on Nouns.  See yellow language duo tang tonight and tomorrow night for review.  You child needs to be able to ...
Image result for images of nouns
  • identify proper and common nouns
  • identify pronouns
  • make nouns plural
Thursday -
  1. Gr. 2 - Country Project Poster due - students should have their poster completed for their country project so that they may start practising their oral presentation.  See rubric that was given out last week.
Image result for images of posters of country projects

More to come later!

Coach Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  Give an example of an onomatopoeia.