Sunday 7 February 2016

Dear Parents,
        Happy Super Bowl Weekend to all!  Although, I myself am not a fan of watching football, I WILL be enjoying good company, tasty snacks and a few refreshments!

This week....

Image result for images of report cardsReport Cards:  Yes, it's that time of the year again, and your child is bringing home his/her Term One Report Card Monday night for you to read over and review.  I read the report card over  with your child and together we completed the bottom portion reflecting on proud achievements and goals for next term.  Any parent wishing to speak to me regarding their child's report card,  please check off the appropriate box on the white form in your child's report card envelope and return to school.  I will then inform you of your appointment time in your child's agenda.  Overall, students did very well on their report cards!

Image result for images of tooniesUpcoming Field Trip:  Pediatric R.E.A.D. at the Ciociaro Club on Thursday, Feb. 25th, 2016.  See information and permission form that your child is bringing home this week.  Please take time to complete ALL OF THE HIGHLIGHTED AREAS completely and return with a toonie at your earliest convenience.

Grade 2 Social Studies Project:
Image result for images of country projectsThe grade 2s have learned about the physical make-up of Canada and reflected on some of our celebrations and traditions that make us unique.  
    Now, each student will research a country that they would like to know more about. No two students can choose the same country. So far, these countries have been selected... Italy, France, Sweden, The Philippines, Egypt, Mexico, Greece.  
       Ask your child which project they chose and if they haven't decided yet, please make sure they have decided by Monday.

Project Details: 
Due: Monday, February 22.
All projects must include the following information:
  • 1 World Map showing WHERE their country is located
  • 1 Country Map
  • Flag of Country
  • Money
  • Shelter
  • Clothing
  • Food
  • Language
  • Climate
  • Population
  • Transportation
  • Recreation
  • Famous People / Structures
  • Interesting Facts (Did you knows)
All information must fit on one standard sized poster board.  I will provide the bristol board to each student.  Parents will need to provide some assistance with the computer, however, please encourage your child to put the poster board together. Send in pictures, information, maps, etc with your child to school and they will place it on their boards.  Make sure that your child is able to read/understand/communicate the information.  Keep the text to a minimum if possible. Spend some time practising their presentation so that it flows and students are able to answer questions on their country of study.
If you have any questions, please ask in your child's agenda.

That's all for now,

Coach Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What is 5 x 6?