Tuesday 23 February 2016

Image result for images of oops clipartDear Parents,
         I guess this is going to be one of those weeks...I did not send home the THRoW books as promised!  Chalk it up to old age combined with a lot of things going on this week!  So, enjoy no homework this week, other than reviewing and preparing for our Math and Language tests!  

Image result for images of clip art applause     Congratulations on another great presentation today by Anna on Mexico! Keep them coming!  

Mix 96.7     In the news.....our class will be treated to a Harvest Fresh Pasta lunch with salad and rolls on Monday, February 29th because Claire, a student in our class, was selected as the Student of the Week by Blackburn Radio, Mix 96.7!  Congratulations, Claire! Just remember to bring morning and afternoon snack and drinks.  See note in your child's agenda!

Coach Wilson

Secret Question:  What is a word that describes a noun?