Monday 1 February 2016

Happy Monday, Parents!

This week, players will wrap up 3D figures in Math.  Our test will be on Wednesday, and so I will be sending home their Math duo tangs for review Monday and Tuesday.
Image result for images of 3D figures
Focus on...


  • Naming 3D figures (cone, sphere, rectangular prism, triangular prism, cube, hexagonal prism, octagonal prism, pentagonal prism, square-based pyramid, triangular-based pyramid, pentagonal-based pyramid, hexagonal-based pyramid, octagonal-based pyramid)
  • Sorting 3D figures using a Venn Diagram (showing similarities/differences)
  • Identifying sorting rules
  • Describing figures (# of vertices, # of edges, # of bases, # of faces, does it have congruent faces, if it stacks, if it's 2D or 3D)
  • Build a tower using solids and describe the solids you used
That's all for now...

Coach Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What am I?  I have 5 faces, 4 of my faces are congruent, 1 square base, and 5 vertices.