Friday 19 February 2016

Image result for images of students presenting clip artNEXT WEEK:  Week of February 22nd-26th...

  • Grade 2 Country Project Presentations
  • Review for Math Test in class
    Image result for images of growing patterns
  • Math test on Geometric Patterns and Balancing Equations
  • Field Trip: Pediatric Read at Ciociaro Club  We depart at 12:30 pm so please do not plan on keeping your child home for lunch on this day.  We will return at around 3:00 pm.  
Image result for images of church mass clip artFriday
  • Gr. 2/3 Mass in our classroom with Fr. Tony

Coach Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  Which family fact sentence is missing:  
4 + 5 = 9     9 - 5 = 4     9 - 4 = 5